Speaking of drawing board, I recently made a couple of them. I don't draw at a table, or easel, so I had to choose from the over-sized Masonite drawing board from college, or just use the sketch pad itself, which wasn't rigid enough.
I went out to my shop and cut a piece of scrap Masonite into a board that was two inches larger in length and width than the paper I use. This has been a great improvement in my setup. It's easy to handle, and I can make as many as I want, so I don't have to remove an unfinished drawing to start a new one. The only problem has come from the tape that I use to attach the paper. It pulls up Masonite fibers, which will eventually shorten the life of the boards. I'll probably have to put a coat of paint on them, since varnish hasn't helped.
Try it. It really helps keep your paper in new condition while drawing.