Thread: Storage Space
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Old 01-28-2003, 09:22 AM   #8
Patt Legg Patt Legg is offline
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Thumbs up for you Denise, it looks great and takes up little room. That is similar to what we were going to do but didn't .

And Mari, you are so right. As with many of my ideas, they seem limited...and I love to paint large. So what does everyone else do for the large ones? Just set them against the wall? For instance at the moment, I am doing all 30" x 45" canvases for a solo show. I am finished with three (9 more to go) and I teach within my studio, too. So the room becomes smaller. I think I truly try to make mine too cozy, as was stated by someone here earlier. I had space, then I added a clunky 3-piece type sofa that fits side by side. Then a chair with a reading light beside of it and a small table for my books, etc. So much for space.

I use all of this as the reason for my clients or visitors who come to the studio to be comfortable. Frankly, they stand and watch or visit. It must be my "nesting" phase.
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