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Old 01-27-2003, 09:07 AM   #16
Jeanine Jackson Jeanine Jackson is offline
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My Favorite Portrait

In October of 1978, I purchased a 35 mm camera and travelled south from Florence (where I attended graduate school) to Rome. The occassion was the election of our next pope. That "our" became a universal collective as many thousands of people representing millions more from all religions and cultures gathered day after day in St. Peter's Square. All eyes were rivoted to the smokestack that for the first three days signaled black (no decision yet). It billowed white when a unnanimous vote was cast by all cardinals to elect this pope, and the world rejoiced.

Known as a "Pastoral Pope," we knew then he would reach out to create an unprecedented reign of good will and spiritual leadership worldwide.

In September of '02, I accompanied my husband for his first visit to the basilica of St. Peter's. Like all visitors to this holy shrine, wonder filled his eyes at the sheer power of faith, its majesty, and absolute beauty.

Mr. Shanks has captured ALL of this. The person, the place, and all of us the Holy See is welcoming into the light of love and peace.

It has became my favorite portrait - easily.
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Jeanine C. Jackson
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