Thread: Child portrait
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Old 01-24-2003, 01:06 PM   #15
Jeff Fuchs Jeff Fuchs is offline
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Guy who can draw a little
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Location: New Iberia, LA
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If you ever go to an art school, you will quickly learn that your 40 hours spent on a drawing are irrelevant. Your work has to stand on its own when you're not there to tell people how long you worked on it. Whether it's your 40 hours, or Lon's six minutes, the drawing has to speak for itself.

Your skill level hasn't come into question. Rather, you've gotten many valuable suggestions for improving your work. What a great gift! Don't look at these suggestions as insults.

I guess you can all sense my frustration about these exchanges. I'm drawing every day, and I don't want to post my next picture, only to see that dreaded zero, and not know that it means.

Thanks to all of you who take the time to share your expertise.