Thanks for the message. I'm really sorry for the mess up. If you visit my website you will realize I'm just a hobbyist and doing things just for fun. Here seems to be people who are really committed to their profession.
What I want to give through my drawings is that WOW feeling to the viewer (I got that from 98% of the common people, some of whom cannot even differentiate a drawing from a painting -- they use the word "your painting" for my drawing).
I know only few elements of drawing. Some people ask me to change my subject selection and style but this is what I'm getting fun from. In the future also I'm not going to change my style, rather I go for subjects with complex compositions and a bit of emotional impact.
I strongly believe realism is the most impressive form of artwork we can do with pencil (I agree to the fact that our great masters did many masterpeices with line drawing though). I feel that making art "caviar to the general" is not a sin. I'm also convinced that I'm in a wrong place. You people used the words aversion, jarring, mere exercise in accuracy, slavish copying...referring to over 40 hours of my work. Might JD Hillberry had done the drawing "after the critic" referring to critiques like these???