I didn't read all of Robert's newsletters but hadn't noted any tirades against "Modern Art". In fact one of his subjects concerns a man who has chosen to pursue modern art over more traditional art and writes a positive review in his Pointe of Art article titled "Time For Art - The Abstracts of Mark Wolak". Mr. Wolak also had a show in the Maniscalco Gallery.
His letter above does take on the question of reproductions and I have little understanding of his strong criticism of mass production. I think it fortunate that print technology is such that untold thousands are able to enjoy the best artist in any style short of the more esoteric. Most of the artwork hanging in my home (other than mine) is prints and while I would prefer an original Andy Wyeth or Robert Bateman, et al, I will continue to enjoy and share work that I will never be able purchase as originals. Most of us know artist and their works through books and though it's quite special to stand before the original and feel the presence of the artist a good print is not a shoddy stand-in. Several limited edition prints that I bought years ago for $250.00 and less are now worth $2500.00. Original art by this same artist has only doubled or tripled. Overpromise, real or implied, is not legitimate but good prints can be a good investment for lots of reasons.
He also didn't say anything about online marketing and wondered what he might have to say about its effects on the marketplace since he is an SOG member. As a matter of fact the whole subject of the portrait artist and relationship with the local Gallery would be quite interesting. I work with a local gallery and do my best to keep pricing the same whether the commission is a referral or direct. There is also the question of promotion. If my local gallery publicizes my work it becomes easier for the new customer to find me and deal direct. In any case I usually ask how they found me and contact the Gallery if they were involved in making me known to the client. Often the gallery plays no more a role in the commissioning process than being visible. The client walks in the door and says "Do you know of anyone who can do a portrait for me"? Should the Gallery get the same commission as an exhibiting artist?