Thread: My Wife
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Old 01-08-2003, 08:58 AM   #3
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Did you use all three media -- pastel, Conte, and graphite?

What made you decide to use velvet as a ground?

The mixed media and the ground make it difficult to offer anything constructive, especially since, as you've said, this is intended only as a sketch in preparation for a portrait.

You're not thinking of painting the oils on velvet, are you?

If you squint at the photo and compare the result to the painting, you'll see that you've given up most of your darks, cutting the value range by nearly half. If you want any form and depth in the piece, you'll have to recapture those dark values. And you'll have to reduce the "light" values within those darks. For example, there are right now a number of light areas on the shadow side of the face that are in fact lighter than similar areas on the lighted side. That doesn't "read" right. It's negating the form.
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

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