Thread: Redacted Kimmy
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Old 01-06-2003, 09:41 PM   #18
John Zeissig John Zeissig is offline
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Hi Chris et al.,

I made corrections by warming up the shadows indicated by the arrows. It should have been obvious to me from the prior detail, but I guess sometimes you just have to put it in baby talk. It may not show on screen, but warming the shadows in those areas makes a definite improvement in the painting. I plan to do a full-figure painting from life using this model in a similar pose, and these lessons will really be crucial. I want to thank you all for your amazing generosity in taking the time to help me with this sketch and other work I have posted. I have friends here who do figurative painting, but they are not able to do critiques in the kind of depth and specifity that is available on this forum.
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John Zeissig
[email protected]
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