Nicely painted, though I have a couple of suggestions, one of which will only help you on future work, not this one.
It looks as if you worked from reference that was lighted from the front, as in with a flash on a camera. That leads to an extreme flattening out of the forms, which I see in this painting. There are many threads on the forum that talk about how to light your subject in such a way that there will be a much greater sense of roundness, volume and "reality" to the finished painting. Something to think about for your next portrait.
The second suggestion I have is one you could incorporate in this painting. The sculpture in the back competes very strongly for attention with the three "live" people. You might want to tone it down quite a bit so it stays as part of the background and doesn't turn this into a portrait of four subjects. I see some nice brushwork on the foliage, though it too competes with your subjects for attention.