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Old 01-01-2003, 05:57 PM   #16
Jeanine Jackson Jeanine Jackson is offline
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Awesome first! Draftsmanship and passion are evident.

My teacher once said, "You can't learn to paint while double-parked." It often takes a while to get any feedback. Sorry for the delay in my reply. I know that anxious feeling of checking the boards for pearls of wisdom from the enormously talented professionals here who take valuable time to comment. Remember to exhale!

Comments above are right on! Values are so important. It is a lesson I need to re-learn every day. Is your painting interesting from across the room? Try patterns in thumbnail sketches.

Remember, your first job is to design the painting well within 3 values. If that is strong, then pencil, watercolor, pastel, or oil will have a better chance of succeeding.

Welcome to the wonderful world of portraiture! No bowl of apples or landscape compares to the satisfaction of capturing a human being.
Jeanine C. Jackson
[email protected]
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