Thread: Redacted Kimmy
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Old 12-29-2002, 03:29 PM   #1
John Zeissig John Zeissig is offline
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Redacted Kimmy

Hello, all,

I'm re-posting a modification of an oil sketch that was originally posted on another thread; this time for purposes of critique.

Since the original post, I've done a three-value sketch and re-adjusted the values in all parts of the subject. The background has remained unchanged, as has the blue blouse. The size is 9" x 6", oil on wood panel. Since I had not primed the panel the original application of paint seemed to absorb into the wood (duh!), which resulted in an overall loss of value range in the entire painting.

For the new skin tones I mixed a quantity of Chris Saper's Asian Skin Tone Base and generally followed the recommendations in her book. The new version of the painting is cooler in the lightest areas, and decidedly warmer in the shadows. There are still several things that bother me about this sketch and I wanted to get some feedback on how it might be improved. It seems to me that the underside of the chin, for one, needs a reflection or at least a better transition, but I'm not sure what to do. As this is strictly a learning exercise I'll try to implement any suggestions and post the changes.

Digital alterations are welcomed. For those who might feel they were hoodwinked by its previous incarnation, this is your chance to get even!
John Zeissig
[email protected]
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