Thread: Tom in the wind
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Old 12-18-2002, 03:15 PM   #5
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Location: Madison, WI
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Hi Margaret. Thank you for the compliment, I've been working very hard. When I was young and foolish I lived to draw. Then life interfered in my plans. Now I'm 51, children are grown, so I've become "foolish" again. My adult sons still don't quite understand my lack of interest in their little dramas. It's becoming easier to advise them to just go figure it out! Don't get me wrong -- I love them deeply, but gave them all I had to give when they needed it. Now it's my turn.

I have a schedule, I read and study in AM. Paint all afternoon and draw at night. My current husband (2nd) is behind me 100%. Heaven on earth!

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