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Old 12-17-2002, 11:31 AM   #4
Nathan Cremer Nathan Cremer is offline
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Joined: Nov 2002
Location: Mt. Orab, OH
Posts: 38
I think both of these are excellent portraits. Very well done. They do have some warm/cool issues with the shadow side of the face. I have seen the thread you posted acknowledging that. I don't think I can tell you the exact color to add, but if you're afraid of muddying it with the complement, I would maybe try that purple you used in the clouds/background. But, let some of those warm areas shine through. And, I would make the reflected light a different hue than the highlight.

Also, I think there's an issue with a couple other things with this one. His right eye (our left) seems a little mishapen at the bottom. I would take a closer look at your reference. Regarding the dark shadow under his chin, I'm not sure if it's a shadow or facial hair. I think it's an issue of both hue and value. If it's a shadow, I would match it closer to the rest of the shadow areas in the face. There is a white line that defines the jawline. I would simply darken that ever so slightly. The hair, I think, needs some lighter highlights where you have those yellow streaks.

Once again, I think these are great portraits. The only comment I have with the other one would be the skin tone. The suits were done wonderfully in both of these.
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