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Old 12-16-2002, 11:16 PM   #1
Jeff Fuchs Jeff Fuchs is offline
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Guy who can draw a little
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Joined: Dec 2002
Location: New Iberia, LA
Posts: 546
Another trip to the mirror

I've decided that these drawings will serve one purpose only... they'll be a reference that you'll look back on a year from now and say "you've come along way since you first got here, Jeff."

I set up my mirror again this evening and started drawing. If the top of my head looks inaccurate, it's because I literally couldn't see the top of my head! I was in a dark room with only one small lamp shining on my face. Sorry about that.

I do better when I'm working from photos, but I want to keep plugging away at life drawing. By the way, this is drawn on the back of a letterhead from my office. When we had a change of leadership in my agency, they threw out boxes of letterheads. When you work for a government agency, there's always plenty of paper at hand.

I think this took about an hour and a half to draw.

Here's what I see:

I over darken the eyes. I seem to do that a lot.

I overworked everything! That'll get better with experience.

I have trouble getting the eyes to line up with one another (How hard can that be?)

Advice is always welcome.
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