Thread: Edges
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Old 07-08-2002, 12:12 PM   #26
Khaimraj Seepersad Khaimraj Seepersad is offline
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Peggy, thanks for this:
Everything I have read would indicate that Vermeer painted in the direct manner...Titian, Velasquez, Hals, Rembrandt, as well as Sargent and the Bostonian painters also painted in the direct manner.
I always wondered where my painting technique evolved from. Plus the over layer addition of just paint with a little medium and oil-rich, pigment-poor glazes.

Tim, thanks for this:
Furthermore with the green underpainting (the effect so often referred to) only works if done with careful transparent glazing. Truly opaque colors put on top will be just that, opaque. The truth that few ever talk about is that underpainting was often just slow careful drawing and design put on lean (with turps and no oil - thinly) and colorless with full expectation of being obliterated with later color.
I am looking at some Titian layers and the above makes sense of what I am watching.

There is a site up for the book - Vermeer's Camera
by Steadman, I believe. Makes for interesting reading.

Administrator's note: Find "Vermeer's Camera" as well as other books on Vermeer at the bookstore at:

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