Thank you for these very insightful suggestions. I hoped you might reply on the subject of color.
Why didn't I think of using green? I added some along the jawline and any areas where light might be reflected upward from the clothing. I think it helps, but the painting is already rather overworked. It was never meant to be more than a practice piece to begin with. But thanks to the many suggestions, I've learned much, and it turned out better than I had a right to expect.
The reference has sunlight coming from behind, over her left shoulder, causing the highlight in the hair. The face is lit only by ambient light, probably cool sky light for the most part. This results in pretty flat lighting on the face, and I guess this means any modelling had to be done with color temperature rather than value. I admit the reference was probably beyond my level of ability, but I've always liked that photo.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a well considered color analysis.
Will Enns