Boynton palette
I used the Lee Boynton (even though I'm left handed) palette at Peggy Baumgaertner's workshop this past summer. I had never held a palette before, as I lay my palette down while I paint. To watch Peggy paint with her palette is as if they are one. To watch me paint with that very large palette and everything else around me is like watching a bull in a china shop.
I really wish I would /could stand and hold a palette for the "quickness" and seemingly "one with the paint" experience that so many painters seem to have. I just don't feel comfortable holding all that paint, choosing brushes, cleaning constantly and referring back to my notes (hehe) like I do.
Back to the Boynton. It was very nice - the feel, the fit to your body is amazing. The hole for thumb was very nice as well. I didn't pay that much attention to the weighted quality. Probably because I was trying not to whack the person beside me or drop it into a container of mineral spirits.
Good luck with your decisions! Just wanted to share my experience with a beautiful palette I cannot use.