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Old 12-06-2002, 03:17 PM   #15
Sharon Knettell Sharon Knettell is offline
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Hi, Michael,

Thanks for the chiarascuro info, that is a great help. I think you are right to work from life when you can, this is just a poor substitute.

I find shooting the photo in the same light the portrait is being painted in, i.e., my studio, is the best of both worlds. I have the model pose live, and if he or she is not able to come, I have my very patient photo there to refer to.

I have done photo shoots with the clear understanding that the client is to pose, only to have them flatly refuse.

I find that if I get the client's costume, put it on a form, that color can help me key the skin tones. That and a local victim with the same skin color can be employed.

I prefer the photo and model combo in my own work, as I like to work alone, but as you have pointed out there is no substitute for life.

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