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Old 12-06-2002, 12:24 PM   #4
Michael Fournier Michael Fournier is offline
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More info on GE bulbs

Directly from GE's site:
There are two GE fluorescent lamp colors that are close approximations to outdoor daylight. One color is called Chroma 50 and Sunshine. It simulates the daylight/sunlight combination. The other is called Chroma 75 and it simulates north skylight. The lamps come in standard types - typically a 4-foot tube rated for 40 watts; so they fit into lighting fixtures that are easily found in hardware and home center stores. It is the phosphor or color of the tube that makes these lamps unique. And, yes, the light from these lamps mixes beautifully with outdoor daylight, so there should be no need to darken the room from natural light.

Note that natural light coming into a room changes constantly in color and brightness depending upon weather, season, cloud conditions and time-of-day whereas the light from the Chroma and Sunshine lamps is constant in color. So, sometimes you will see a difference between the light from the lamps and daylight; other times you will not. Note, too, that daylight is a powerful source. It produces abundant illumination, so use enough lamps to illuminate the work area properly.

To obtain the GE Chroma and Sunshine lamps and fixtures, try the large home center stores such as Home Depot. GE lamp distributors also carry them.
Well, since I have never noticed a big difference in light between the mix of daylight and my Chroma 50 bulbs and when I am painting after dark with the bulbs alone, it may be because I do not get direct skylight through my window - so I am matching a 5000K daylight and not 7500K sky light. Maybe with a higher window the Chroma 75's would work better for you, Marvin, if you have direct north sky light you are trying to match. Good luck.
Michael Fournier
[email protected]
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