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Old 12-04-2002, 10:08 PM   #6
Linda Nelson Linda Nelson is offline
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You're absolutely right about the distortion, and it's been bothering me as well since I've finished it. I should have used a longer lens so her front hand and the chair aren't so large as compared to the face and lamp.

Ironically, my father is a a professional photographer, yet I always get too caught up in the moment of all the things to think about and then mess up on an obvious basic like this. Do you think it works, assuming I would have shot this as it is, then caught it once at home, to manipulate the file so as to compensate for the distortion? I use a Canon E10 Digital camera with a zoom lens.

What is the issue that you bring up with the eye level?

Thanks for your critique. It's a compliment that you've taken the time.

P.S. It is sure many masters used camera obscuras, etc. How do you think they contended with the same problem as lens distortion?

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