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Old 12-04-2002, 08:59 PM   #5
Michael Fournier Michael Fournier is offline
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The pose is very nice and you have handled the paint well, but I feel you are being hindered by your reference more than your painting ability.

The thing that strikes me right off is the photographic distortion in the perspective. I may be completely wrong, but I bet you held your camera at eye level (about the same or slightly above the eye level of the subject) when you took the photo. And I would also bet that the lens was 50mm or less. This is exactly the type of thing I refer to when I talk about some of the problems you can encounter when painting from photos.

Now don't get me wrong, I think there are many good things in this painting, but I feel unless you address this distortion, even if you rendered everything else with complete perfection as you see it in the photo, the painting would still seem off somehow. Others may disagree with me and that is fine. I just see snapshot here, not a portrait that is equal to your painting ability.
Michael Fournier
[email protected]
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