I'm delighted to discover beseechment is so effective as to attract the attention of a gifted artist like yourself. It's kind of like catching a twenty pound salmon with a fly rod.
On oars and sails as they relate to size of paper, I have never before painted this small. I did it here because I wanted to do quick practice sketches to improve my WC skills. I've done about 4 from this particular sketch - two were utter failures, the first one I posted was merely shameful. The only benefits I got was that I now know some things that do not work.
I've updated the painting in post #1 with a better one.
I do believe you could offer good suggestions if you were so inclined, as I am interested in comments on my handling of color in the skin tones, and color combinations of the piece overall. But if you don't feel comfortable, I will be content with the bone I got.
Thanks for your reply,
Will Enns