Michael it looks like you're off to a good start.
I too use an under painting similar to Bill's in my more involved and complex paintings. I would assume you are referring to a thread in which I was one of the alleged perpetuators of the alleged controversy.
All I was ever trying to say was that there are many approaches to under painting and I guess some took offense in the way I specified what I meant to be options. My point was simply that mixing and matching various techniques can have disastrous effects.
My point was simply that one needs to be careful. Today I was at the National Academy of Design in New York and I saw a number of beautiful paintings by Dagnan-Bouveret. It's unfortunate that many were badly cracked, an unfortunate result of ill-advised layering of paint. He was a student of Gerome and should have known better.
I agree that there are many ways to approach the way a painting is made. That's one of the most fascinating aspects of oil painting.