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Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Arizona
Posts: 2,481
I see three potential tangent problems to watch.
First, the horizon line seems to become the same shape as the curl(?) in the subject's hair on our left. The two shapes are the same value, so you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. The red dot at the horizon line forms the point of a triangle of dark foliage that sits out to the left of the subject's ear on our left. The effect is of large dark arrow, whose tail drops off into almost a pony-tail shape. You could correct this tangent by altering the placement and curve of the horizon line, and/or lightening the dark foliage so it is visually distinguishble from the hair.
Second, the lower edge of the triangle converges with the lower part of the ear, collar and vest, so that the area of the lower red dot competes with your center of interest for attention. One way to correct the triangle problem as well as the collar tangent would be to lighten the value of the foliage in the triangle.You can still have ininteresting vairety of darks and lights inthe foliage without creating this shape in this location.
Third, there is almost a straight line connecting the shapes of the upper edge of the vest and the top edge of the far hand. If you squint, you'll see that the sides of the vest and the hand from a dark "X". One way to correct this is to move the far hand downward in order to break the line.
I hope this helps; if it is unclear, please let me know.