This is a sticky one for me...I sincerely admire folks that can make a painting affordable for the masses. I also can understand charging a great deal for paintings. As one who has accepted commissions for 22 years, I've run the gamut of prices and experiences.
I just takes me too darn long to complete these portraits to charge a penny less than I do. Not just time at the easel. There is so much thought involved away from the work that can keep me up at night thinking of ways to improve. Its a slow steady climb in this field and why should we NOT charge what its worth?
I had a show recently. It was in an area where a mixed crowd could view it. I had 3 affluent people who approached me looking for the 90% discount. (they know my parents and thought this reasonable). I had someone else come to me with her first payment in hand. She told me she will pay monthly for the next 2 years to pay off the portrait because "Owning a painting of your quality is worth every penny" (she said). This woman is a waitress at the restaurant next door.
I gave her a discount.
One more thing, I too, was turned down for work because I was not expensive prices go up in January.