Thread: Son's portrait
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Old 11-15-2002, 12:44 AM   #10
Julia Reynolds Julia Reynolds is offline
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Location: Bayport, NY
Posts: 17

Thank you for taking the time to critique my work. Your work is beautiful and I do see what you mean by using a pure color in the reflected light. Do you think a pure "cool" color may have worked in my portrait, perhaps a very high key blue?

Ah, the ear. I get so many comments on it. I will definitely have to tone it down, soften the edges. But I have to say that my son's ears are bent, almost like he was hung on a clothesline when he was born, and I find them so endearing. But if it doesn't read well then it has to go. My philosophy is "either it's right or it's wrong".

Thanks again,
Julia Reynolds
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