FT Pro, Mem SOG,'08 Cert Excellence PSA, '02 Schroeder Portrait Award Copley Soc, '99 1st Place PSA, '98 Sp Recognition Washington Soc Portrait Artists, '97 1st Prize ASOPA, '97 Best Prtfolio ASOPA
Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Peterborough, NH
Posts: 1,114
The light confused me when I first looked at this portrait. But after seeing your reference photo I now understand it...you have a great deal of reflected light from Daniel's shirt.
I like to differentiate reflected light from direct light. Reflected light is usually "stepped down" a notch or two in value from direct light. I also like to add pure intense color into reflected light when I can get away with it (i.e., cadmium orange). Direct light tends to bleach out and warm up the surface that it strikes and is more intense.
Because of the brilliant use of reds in this work, I am not sure that this would work for you here as it might upset your balance. However, it might be worth your while to experiment with this differentiation of kinds of light in the future.
Also, I'd suggest that you soften the outline on the edge of the ear. The shape is unusual and too much of a focus in your painting whereas it isn't a particularly prominent or noticeable feature in the reference photo.