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Old 11-14-2002, 07:34 PM   #9
Jeanine Jackson Jeanine Jackson is offline
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Triple Treat!

Enzie: The tapered area you refer to is actually a shelf formed by the wall with the window receding with respect to the rail. I'll check to see if there is a better way to express this. I will check her left arm as I go back into the flesh tones.

Mari: OK. I will not stop! This is a case where what I like to call "Alla Prima Dopo" will come into play! Thank you for the wonderful reference photo with similar colors.

Dale: I think Enzie was referring to the subject's left arm, but you are correct, the right still needs some work when I go back into the flesh tones.

The plan: In addition to addressing your comments, I plan to add some brown to railing and stairs, a glaze of gold to her top (if the test on small study works!) and darker gold with a tad more detail to skirt and shoes beneath.

Thank you all for the encouragement I needed to proceed!
Jeanine C. Jackson
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