Thread: Son's portrait
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Old 11-14-2002, 02:09 PM   #2
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Lovely. I like the angle of the light source and the reflections from his shirt.

You might want to check the shape of his ear. The irregular shape of the outer edge caught my eye first. Maybe that's how his ear is shaped, but it's worth a second look just to be sure.

The reds seem to be too saturated overall. You might want to soften that down a bit.

It also looks to me like the light source on his hair is inconsistent with the light in the rest of the image. Not sure, but it looks like you'd need a separate light on his hair to get the effect I see in the painting. I'd expect to see the same kind of rim lighting you have on the right side of the face.

The sharp edginess of the hair is a bit distracting from the softness of the rest of the image, too. A bit of blending there might make the hair less distracting.

Can you post your reference if you did this from a photo?

Overall, very nice, though!
Michele Rushworth
[email protected]
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