How's this one for a holiday theme?
To be honest it was originally one of 15 Illustrations for a book this was the only full color image the others were smaller B/W images for each chapter heading page. My wife liked it so much though that it was cropped down to this.
It was painted on gessoed hardboard and is now 27x20 inches but there was more blue area at the top for title text and area at the bottom for credits and such. This painting was large for a illustration I was trying to get a NC Wyeth look and he painted large. After cropping it had a portrait look to it and we hang it over the fireplace ever holiday season. It is not my best painting but I am not totally dissatisfied with it. And for the assignment was great fun.
It is to bad that I do not get much chance to paint illustrations anymore. Because of what they pay and the usually tight deadlines I use Painter, Photoshop and other computer graphics apps more then paint and brush nowadays.
Oh to have worked in NC Wyeth's day if you correct for inflation the pay that NC received for the treasure island series was like getting over $100,000, He bought a home and built a studio with the payment. (who know's it could have been just used as down payment but he did get a substantial payment.)
But here is the quote from the musume site.:
About the N.C. Wyeth House and Studio
In 1911, with the proceeds from his illustrations for Treasure Island, the artist N.C. Wyeth purchased 18 acres of land on Rocky Hill in the village of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Possessed of "the most glorious sight in the township," Wyeth built his home and studio overlooking the valley. Here he set down roots which for nine decades have nourished a family of extraordinary creativity.