Thread: Millie Kay
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Old 11-08-2002, 12:27 PM   #3
Mai Ly Mai Ly is offline
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First, for this painting, I would either extend the arms further, or crop the painting to show less of the arms (see attached). Right now, they are distracting, especially where they have been cropped, and do not add much value to the painting. The cropped version will make the viewer focus more on her face, rather than the arms.

Second, I see the anatomy of her left shoulder has not been painted correctly, even under the folds of her shirt. This is because of where you put the folds in right under the shoulder. I would fix the folds under her left shoulder and move them down a little. The highlights on that shoulder should be extended down, judging from where the light source is coming from.

Also regarding her left sleeve, where it is painted makes her left arm look like a cylindrical rod. I would extend the sleeve down a little, on the side where it comes down to meet her underarm, so that it does not look so awkward.

I like the expression you have on the girl's face!

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