Thank you guys again! Believe it or not Steven, I am taking my time on this. Maybe for others it might not seem that way, but this is the only piece I am working on during the day. For economic reasons I am pretty quick with pastels, but have impressed myself with the time I am spending here, plus I am so excited by the medium that I am anxious to work excessively. I was really blown away to read that Karin spends 6 months on an oil, I am assuming that the glazing technique takes much time. Michael, I'll have to bring a gag with me to Scottsdale if Bill spends 12 hours on hair with a scarf! I will be sent to the corner.
...but I am afraid I am too far along to fix that. Maybe this is not true in oils.
That was my question, on if I had gone too far to correct the arm in oil? In pastel, it would have to be redone from the start, but here I can fix it? I see the problem is really with the shoulder, then I beefed up the arm, mainly trying to handle the edge at first.
When I receive critiques, I like to print out the responses and look at my canvas with all the various input. Some things I may not use, because it is my work style, others have been a major learning, so I don