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Old 11-06-2002, 01:37 AM   #21
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Capturing the soul

Okay, back on topic here. (I have questions for you later Lon, re: Portland) I know a young man who is from Korea and teaches martial arts in this area. I've asked him to pose for me as he's in incredible shape physically, has extraordinary features and is covered in amazing tattoos! He respectfully refused because in his culture (and spiritual beliefs), having his image painted or photographed would steal part of his soul.

In a way we do steal something from our subjects, but I would hope that we give them part of our soul in return. I know that I invest a great deal of energy and try to open myself completely to the person I am drawing. I try to pick up everything that I can in a very short time by watching all movements and body language as well as just looking at features. What I wanted from this young man was his strength and his ability to command respect with his "presence" alone. What I wanted to give him was my respect for his accomplishments. (He was also one gorgeous male!) Oh, to be 25 again.
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