The background seems to be to be shaping up okay, too, though there is some peril if you let those flowers get too defined in detail or prominent in hue and intensity. She's of slight build and presence and could easily be overwhelmed by the colorful background. I guess now that I'm looking at them, I might also tone way down the flower pattern in her pants, maybe by painting the flowers a different shade of the pink in the rest of the fabric.
Also to the point of the visual power of those flowers, I think you're losing some of the girl's impact by bringing around her head a background color so close to the color of her hair. You might find that a contrasting color and value (such as the darker violets elsewhere in the background) will push that background back and bring the girl more prominently to the fore, thereby keeping her "more important" than the flowers.
No "rules" in play here, I'm just giving impressions out loud.