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Old 11-03-2002, 10:52 PM   #8
Denise Hall Denise Hall is offline
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Joined: May 2002
Location: Greenville, NC
Posts: 176
Drawing in Public

Hello Lon and all,

I am a knitter as well as a painter and belong to another list - the knitlist. On the knitlist often much is talked about KIP (knitting in public). Many times the knitters plan outtings to generate interest in the dying art of knitting by KIP-ing. Sometimes I knit in public and - like Michelle said about painting in public, Lon - drawing in public, it draws a crowd. Knitting won't draw a crowd the way and artist can draw a crowd (no pun intended) but the fact that someone is creating something beautiful or interesting is drawing attention to the "art".

I have personally always been completely in awe of the artist who has the ability, quickness, accuracy and raw nerve (for me it is raw nerve) to draw portraits in public. All through my life when I have encountered the portrait artist drawing in a surprising spot usually, without expecting to see them around that corner, I have stopped, been amazed at their talent and watched. One of the most talented artists I have ever seen was a portrait artist in my home town whom I was always too shy to even go up and talk to - even though I was "an artist too" and in school at the time. He worked in the mall, completed a portrait in under 2 hours it seems like, and many lucky people now have portraits of themselves in their homes drawn in pencil and pastel by this talented man.

I wish I had asked him to draw me! At the time I'm sure I didn't have an income at all!

I guess what I am saying is working from life in that way has to make any artist more skilled. It is like life drawing class all day long!! I would think transferring to canvas is much easier because of it. To me -- the drawing is everything -- and I prefer to work from life to begin a painting, whether it be portrait, landscape or still life. Working from a photo to finish is ok -- but of course, I would prefer life.

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