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Old 10-31-2002, 06:08 PM   #10
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Joined: Dec 2001
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
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I never thought of myself as being bi-mediumed. However, it does go along with the fact that I've always considered myself to be quadra-sexual. Which is to say that I will do anything for a quarter.

As I stumbled through the art world trying to figure it all out, it was my assessment that the serious artist offered more than one medium. I've adjusted my thinking somewhat. It also seemed (rightly or wrongly) to me that the two preeminent mediums were oil followed by pastel. It was then clear, I had to go buy this stuff and figure out how to use it. I enjoy it all, but looking back, it was driven more by what I perceived the market to be.
Mike McCarty
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