As a child, I was what one would consider a doodler. No empty piece of paper, notebook or book for that matter was safe from my doodles. Since I preferred to doodle rather than listen to teachers' instructions, the medium at hand usually meant either pencils or pens. This habit carried over to adulthood. Given the challenging question on what I would like to become, when I grow up--the first reply was "an artist." Unfortunately a revolution in Iran came between my dream and me and I had to settle for studying German Literature. Phooey, I hated that one!
Some years later I tried to follow this dream in Salt Lake City. I took one look at the art department, got so scared and enrolled in what my husband enrolled in. Big mistake!
Soon after, the medium of choice would become crayons, because my daughter was born. I took over the child's coloring books!
The last try came in California at the ripe age of 30-something. This time it happened, one class led to another and voila, I made this into my career choice.
Frankly, being taught about art history and the qualities of different mediums at my local college has influenced my decision-making. After having to use the tools for a semester or so, regardless of how I felt about them, made me appreciate each medium's unique properties and the results that different artists have been able to achieve. (Att Moderators: I don't know how to make this any shorter.)
I love oils, because I adore the paintings of the Old Masters. The road to achieve luminous paintings seems to stretch to infinity. While I squish around the paint and smear my fingers through the buttery texture - I am in heaven!
Drawing has never left me and when I lose it with my oil paintings, there is always that cheap 2H pencil that winks at me, begging for a run around an empty page.