I was curious about how the artists at this site arrived at the choice of medium you use for your portraits. I have noticed some of you are bi-medium, but wondered how you came to prefer what you work the most with.
Having an "ADHD" personality it seemed right for me to move into graphic arts. The computer was a savior for me. It made me sure to have my technicals correct. Over the years I really started to miss "fine" arts, but found I would "dabble" on a painting and put it back in the corner for months. When I rediscovered pastels, I realized my problem was all of the pre/post work with acrylic/oil.
Getting out the paints, putting it on the palette, getting out the brushes and the water/turpentine, cleaning the palette, cleaning the brushes, putting away the paint, it was too much. My pastels get messy, but at the end of the day - I just close the door to my supplies.
On a suggestion that I look at "paintings" to help me with my edges, I began to wonder if I am really missing something focusing solely on pastels.
Side note... just what do you call a pastel work - a painting, drawing or pastel?