Thread: Frisket Film
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Old 10-24-2002, 11:54 AM   #2
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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If I remember this correctly from my airbrushing days, I would leave it on for 2 days on cold press illustration board.

I had to go to my reference books and look this up; it seems they recommend not to leave it on the artwork too long (more than 24 hours) because the adhesive may become tackier over time. Apparenly room temperature plays a big part in affecting the tackiness and can make the frisket difficult or impossible to remove.

The type of paper you use will also make a difference. My recommendation is to make a sample on a piece of scratch paper and let it sit over 24 hrs, that should give you a good indication how long you can leave it on. Good luck and please share the results.
Enzie Shahmiri
Professional Portrait Artist
Founder of Southern California Society of Portrait Artists
World Market Portraits Blog
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