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Old 10-23-2002, 06:39 PM   #1
Debra Jones Debra Jones is offline
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Joined: Jan 2002
Location: Arizona
Posts: 457
I have been attempting to hang in a local gallery and to get traffic, on the two Thursday evenings when we have our artwalk I have brought my pastels.

This is from a photo I took earlier in the afternoon, as I was not sure my model would be up for the event. It was rather productive as the owner got more traffic than any other shop on the way, but we had not discussed percentage on work commissioned via the gallery. Hopefully that is all square now, but I do demos on works in progress other than my portraits for a while.

His name is Max, it is 20 x 14 or about that, on Canson with mostly hard pastel, nupastel, holbein, etc.
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Because some people have four legs.