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Portrait Artist Forum Rules

This is a two-step registration process. In the second step you will be asked to submit 2 samples of your portraiture and to tell us about your involvement in the portrait world. We prefer that at least one sample be created from life, but this is not mandatory. In any case, we only consider portraits created from your own source material.. If you are unable to take this second step, please discontinue the registration process here and we wish you the best of success.

Your two images should be actual portraits and not figuratives. They should also not be of copyrighted material such as a painting of a celebrity that you copied from a photo done by someone else.

We are a serious forum for professional portrait painters or those who are striving to be professionals. The forum's orientation is traditional portraiture and traditional mediums. This includes portrait sculpture. Our purpose is to develop a valuable resource where portrait artists can turn to get questions answered about all matters relating to their field.

There are many workable approaches to painting and we ask at all times that members be considerate and courteous of other members, even if there is a disagreement. Many artists are at the early stages of a career and we want them to feel they can post safely without sarcasm or attack. Please avoid veiled passive/aggressive behavior also.

When posting, please adhere to the following posting standards:

- Capitalize the first word of your post title.

- Captitalize the first word of each sentence. Though it may be artsy and creative to start a sentence with a lower case letter, in this venue it is not preferred.

- Only use carriage return (enter key) when you want a new paragraph.

- Use double-space (enter key twice) for new paragraphs.

- Do use paragraph breaks for longer posts. It's very hard for members to read a post that goes on at length without them.

- If your name is part of your profile "signature", it is not necessary to also sign your name in your post.

If you agree to the terms, please click the Agree button at the end of the page.

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